11-20【Basakoglu Engin】五教5407 偏微分方程系列报告


报告题目:Local well-posedness for the periodic Boltzmann equation with constant collision kernel

报告人:Basakoglu Engin (上海科技大学)



摘要:The Boltzmann equation is of fundamental importance in the kinetic theory of gases and plas- mas. It describes the behavior of a dilute gas of identical particles in a specific scaling limit. From the well-posedness point of view, the equation has recently taken much attraction from Chen- Denlinger-Pavlovic, Chen-Holmer, and Chen-Shen-Zhang. In their recent series of papers, with or without the Wigner transform, they established the well-posedness for the Boltzmann equation in the Euclidean spaces using the methods from nonlinear dispersive PDEs. In this talk, we consider the 2D periodic Boltzmann equation with constant collision kernel. We essentially discuss a new Strichartz estimate to go through the proof of LWP for the Boltzmann equation and this is a first LWP result in the periodic case below d/2, which is the energy method threshold.