12-13【罗宇杰 +吕润草】 五教5107 代数几何系列讲座





题目:Weyl orbits of certain line bundles on projective space

摘要:We study the Weyl orbits of line bundles on projective space with fixed base points in general position. This is joint work with Runcao Lyu.


题目:Multivariate discriminate and nonnegative forms

摘要: We show that non-negative complex forms in $\mathbb{R}^n$ of degree $d$ is equal to the closure of components of the set $\{\Delta\neq 0|\Delta is the multivariate discriminant of the generic form\}$. Furthermore, we are seeking for similar results for real forms and has studied some special cases. This talk is based on the paper by Han Jingjun.