09-07【汪守宏】五教5505 几何分析系列报告


Title: Dynamical transitions in statistical physics

Time: 16:00-17:00 7th,Sep.


Speaker:Shouhong Wang((Indiana University)

Abstract: This talk contains two parts. The first part is to introduce a first-principle approach to statistical physics. First we introduce a basic principle, called the potential-descending principle (PDP). Then we show that PDP,  together with the classical principle of equal a priori probabilities (PEP), leads to the first and second laws of thermodynamics, irreversibility, and the three classical statistics: the Maxwell-Boltzmann, the Fermi-Dirac and the Bose-Einstein statistics. Consequently, PDP and PEP are the first principles of statistical physics. Also, PDP leads to the standard model of statistical physics.  In the second part, we present a dynamic transition theory for dissipative systems, and in particular for thermodynamic systems. This is joint work with Dr. Tian Ma.