07-31【Fei Shi】管理楼1418 吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列报告


Title:A graph-theoretic characterization of unextendible product bases

Speaker:Fei Shi, Hong Kong University


Venue: 管理楼1418


Unextendible product bases (UPBs) play a key role in the study of quantum entanglement and nonlocality. Here we provide an equivalent characterization of UPBs in graph-theoretic terms. Different from previous graph-theoretic investigations of UPBs, which focused mostly on the orthogonality relations between different product states, our characterization includes a graph-theoretic reformulation of the unextendibility condition. Building on this characterization, we develop a constructive method for building UPBs in low dimensions, and shed light on the open question of whether there exist genuinely unextendible product bases (GUPBs), that is, multipartite product bases that are unextendible with respect to every possible bipartition. We derive a lower bound on the size of any candidate GUPB, significantly improving over the state of the art. Moreover, we show that every minimal GUPB saturating our bound must be associated to regular graphs, and discuss a possible path towards the construction of a minimal GUPB in a tripartite system of minimal local dimension. Finally, we apply our characterization to the problem of distinguishing UPB states under local operations and classical communication (LOCC), deriving a necessary condition for reliable discrimination in the asymptotic limit.