08-07【Yang Han】管理楼1418 吴文俊数学重点实验室概率统计系列报告


报告题目:Exact simultaneous confidence intervals for logical selection of a biomarker cut-point

报告人: Yang Han, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester



报告时间:8月7日, 10:00


Four new principles are proposed in this work for logical biomarker cut-point selection methods to adhere to: subgroup sensibility, sensitivity, specificity, and target monotonicity. At every cut-point value, our method gives confidence intervals not only for the efficacy at that cut-point value, but also efficacies in the marker-positive and marker-negative subgroups defined by that cut-point. These confidence intervals are given simultaneously for all possible cut-point values. Using Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes as examples, we show our method achieves the four principles. Our method strongly controls familywise type I error rate (FWER) across both levels of multiplicity: the multiplicity of having marker-positive and marker-negative subgroups at each cut-point, and the multiplicity of searching through infinitely many cut-points. This is in contrast to other available methods. The confidence level of our simultaneous confidence intervals is in fact exact (not conservative). An application (app) is available, which implements the method we propose.