

20213,国际组合学及其应用协会(Institute of Combinatorics and its ApplicationsICA)公布了该协会2020年度的各奖项,我校0029cc金沙贵宾会马杰教授荣获2020年度Hall奖。

国际组合学及其应用协会(ICA)成立于1990,该组织从1993年开始每年颁发Euler奖、Hall奖和Kirkman奖三种奖项,其中Euler奖是终身成就奖,Hall奖和Kirkman奖分别授予年龄不超过40岁和博士毕业不超过四年的杰出青年学者。2016年起又设立了Stanton奖,是面向ICA成员的终身教育成就奖。ICA现任主席是Douglas R. Stinson(加拿大科学院院士、1994年度Hall奖获得者)。


2020 Hall Medal awarded to Jie Ma

Jie Ma has made outstanding contributions in the fields of extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, and structural graph theory. He obtained several important results in the study of hypergraph Turan numbers, and proved several conjectures on the distribution of cycle lengths in graphs. He solved, or asymptotically solved, several open problems by Bollobas and Scott on judicial partitions of graphs and hypergraphs, which is a “very strong, impressive record”. Using “sophisticated arguments and novel tools”, he has made breakthroughs on several other difficult, longstanding problems of structural and extremal flavour.

Dr. Ma has published over thirty papers in the most prestigious combinatorial journals. He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, and a member of recognized editorial boards.


