07-09吴文俊数学重点实验室数学物理系列报告之2019-14【Yang Liu】


题目:Hypergeometric functions in heatcoefficients

报告人:Dr. Yang Liu (MPIM



摘要:In this talk, I would like to reportsome recent progress which relates (pseudo) differential calculus with respectto noncommutative variables to hypergeometric functions. Such calculus servesas the analytic backbone of the conformal geometry on noncommutative two tori initiatedin Connes and Moscovici's 2014 JAMS paper. The essential difficulty behind thecomputation is the noncommutativity between the coordinates and theirderivatives.  Hypergeometric functionsarise in some rearrangement process in the computation of the heat kernel asymptotic.The main result is a full set of recurrence relations among the hypergeometricfamily which allows us to obtain their explicit expressions. More geometricapplications will be disused if time permits.

