Title:On the Farrell-Jones Conjecture
Speaker:伍晓磊 (University of Bonn)
Time:2019年7月2日 下午 16:30-17:30
Room:东区管理科研楼 0029cc金沙贵宾会1418室
Abstract:Farrell-Jones Conjecture plays an important role in manifold topology. It implies for example the Borel Conjecture and the Novikov Conjecture. In this talk I will give a overview of the conjecture with special emphasis on the K-theory version. I will first give an gentle introduction to algebraic K-theory and discuss the connections with manifold topology. We then formulate the conjecture and discuss the status of it. If time permitted, I will then explain a recent work of Bestvina, Fujiwara and Wigglesworth on the Farrell-Jones Conjecture for free(finite rank)-by-cyclic groups and how to extend their work to allow the free groups to have infinite rank. Using this, we can show the Farrell-Jones Conjecture for any (right angled Artin group)-by-cyclic groups. This is a joint work with Benjamin Brück and Dawid Kielak.