Title: Algebraic theory of abelian varieties via schemes
Speaker: 余家富 研究员 (台湾中央研究院)
Time & Venue:
Lecture I: 5月6日 15:30-17:00;五教 5305
Lecture II: 5月7日 15:30-17:00;五教 5501
Lecture III: 5月8日 15:30-17:00;五教 5106
Lecture IV: 5月9日 15:30-17:00;五教 5107
In this lecture series we will discuss the algebraic theory of abelian varieties. The main scope is for ground fields of any characteristic.
We will follow Chapter 3 of Mumford's book Abelian varieties (mainly on Sections 11-15). We shall cover generality of group schemes,quotients by fintie group schemes, construction of dual abelian varieties and the Cartier dual of finite commutative group schemes.