研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座【John Alexander Cruz Morales】


题目:Around Dubrovin's conjecture
报告人:John Alexander Cruz Morales 教授,国立哥伦比亚大学
       5月6日(周一), 14:30-16:30,管研楼数学院1418
       5月7日(周二), 14:30-16:30, 五教5205
       5月9日(周四), 9:30-11:30, 管研楼数学院1418
摘要:In this minicourse we will discuss Dubrovin′s conjecture which relates quantum cohomology and derived categories. We will start introducing the relevant notions and discussing the example of projective spaces in some detail. We will also discuss related conjectures (gamma conjectures of Galkin-Golyshev-Iritani) and give some ideas for future works in this direction.