03-29研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班系列讲座之158【Sheng, Li】(请注意时间地点有变动!)


Title:Extremal Metrics on Toric Manifolds and Some Applications of Affine Techniques
Speaker:Sheng, Li  (四川大学)
Time:2019年3月29日     上午  10:00-11:30
Room:东区第五教学楼  5503室

Abstract: Donaldson initiated a program to study the extremal metrics on toric manifolds and solved the problem for cscK metrics on toric surfaces. For toric manifolds, the equation is called the Abreu equation, which is similar to the affine maximal equation. In joint papers with Li An-Min and Chen Bohui we apply the affine techniques to extend the existence result in dimension 2 to extremal metrics. We explain our main idea and methods. Next we talk some application of affine techniques to Bernstein problems.