03-21研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班系列讲座之156【Zhang, Hanxiong】


Title:Hurwitz numbers and the cut-and-join equation
Speaker:Zhang, Hanxiong (中国矿业大学)
Time:2019年3月21日       上午  10:00-11:30
Room:东区管理科研楼   0029cc金沙贵宾会1418室

Abstract:Hurwitz numbers are classical objects in enumerative geometry. In this introductory talk, I will review the geometric and algebraic definitions of Hurwitz numbers, and explain why these two definitions are equivalent. Then I will  introduce the generating function of Hurwitz numbers using symmetric functions, which turns out to be a solution of the cut-and-join equation. Its link with integrable hierarchies via Boson-Fermion correspondence will also be gently addressed.