03-08研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班系列讲座之154【Li, Qin】


Title:Toeplitz quantization, Fedosov quantization and Feynman graphs 
Speaker:Li, Qin (南方科技大学)
Time:2019年3月8日(周五)    下午  16:00-17:30
Room:东区管理科研楼   0029cc金沙贵宾会1308室

Abstract: Toeplitz operators on K/"ahler manifolds are defined as the composition of multiplication by smooth functions and orthogonal projection to holomorphic sections of (tensor powers) of prequantum line bundles. In particular, the asymptotic behavior of these operators gives rise to deformation quantization on K/"ahler manifolds. In this talk, I will describe a localized version of Toeplitz operators using the technique of Feynman graph computations, and give an explicit equivalence between Toeplitz quantization and Fedosov quantization.