

Title:On the mean field equation with singularities on tori
Speaker:陈志杰 教授 (Tsinghua University)
Time & Room:
     2019年3月15日   下午 16:00-17:30, 管理科研楼  1218室
     2019年3月16日   下午 16:00-17:30, 管理科研楼  1418室

Abstract: Let $E_/tau:=/mathbb{C}/(/mathbb{Z}+/mathbb{Z}_/tau)$ be a flat torus and consider the mean field equation with singularities:
                             $$/Delta u+e^u=/rho/delta_0 /quad /text{on}/ E_/tau,$$
where $/delta_0$ is the Dirac measure at 0 and $/rho>0$. This equation looks simple but actually very complicate. In these two lectures, I will give a survey on the theory of this equation, which are mainly based on Prof. C-S Lin’s series of papers, joint with C-C Chen, T-J Kuo, C-L Wang and myself.