The third USTC-AHU Joint Seminar on Algebraic Combinatorics
Organizers: Tatsuro Ito (Anhui University) and Jack Koolen (University of Science and Technology of China)
Date: September 5, 2015 (Saturday)
Place: Room 1518, Management R & D Building, USTC.
10:30 � 11:20 Patrick Sol´e (AHU and CNRS/LTCI Telecom ParisTech) A survey on LCD codes
11:30 � 13:15 Lunch
13:15 � 14:05 Zhi Qiao (USTC) On distance-regular graphs with valency k and smallest eigenvalue at most −k 2
14:20 � 15:10 Senmin Oh (Pusan National University) The number of ideals of Z[x] containing x(x−α)(x−β) with given index
15:40 � 16:30 Zeying Xu (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Some combinatorial problems related to Markov chains
16:45 � 17:35 Yuehui Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Directed Partial Orders on Complex Numbers and Quaternions over Non-Archimedean Linearly Ordered Fields