报告题目:Geometric Analysis
报告人:王国芳 教授,德国弗莱堡大学
时 间:第一周课程安排
2015年8月26日(周三) 下午14:00―16:20
2015年8月27日(周四) 下午14:00―16:20
2015年8月28日(周五) 下午14:00―16:20
2015年8月29日(周六) 下午14:00―16:20
2015年8月31日(周一) 下午14:00―16:20
2015年9月1日 (周二) 下午14:00―16:20
地 点:东区管理科研楼 0029cc金沙贵宾会1518室
Geometric Analysis, Part I "A higher order scaler curvature and its related problems".
I will first introduce a higher order scalar curvature,which is a natural generalization
of the scalar curvature. Then we consider the total integral of this scalar curvature. Its
Euler-Lagrange equation yields a k-stein metric, which is a generalization of the Einstein
metric. It relates many geometric objects. We will use it to define a higher order mass for
asymptotically flat manifolds and for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. This mass is
related to the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality, which is classical inequality in the euclidean
space, but new in the hyperbolic space.At the end of this part, we will discuss some related
open problems.