Workshop on Symplectic Geometry and Global Analysis



Date: August 10-11, 2015

Room: 1518

Organizers: Xiaonan Ma (Paris 7), Zuoqin Wang (USTC)


August 10:

09:00-10:00 王宏玉(扬州大学) From Kodaira Conjecture to Donaldson question

10:30-11:30 李逸(上海交通大学) A geometric flow and Hopf's conjecture

14:00-15:00 李慧(苏州大学) The fundamental group of G-manifolds

15:00-16:00 刘博(Humboldt University) Geometric model for differential K-theory

16:30-17:30 卢文(华中科技大学) Optimal convergence speed of Bergman metrics on symplectic manifolds

August 11:

09:00-10:00  麻小南(法国巴黎七大) Toeplitz operator and vanishing theorem

10:30-11:30  朱家林(上海数学中心) Gluing formula of analytic torsion and scattering matrix

14:00-15:00  冯仁杰(北京国际数学中心) Extrema of random holomorphic fields

15:00-16:00  俞建青(0029cc金沙贵宾会) Higher Spectral Flow for Dirac Operators with Local Boundary Conditions

16:30-17:30  杨晓奎(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院) The Kahler-Ricci flow and collapsing limits


Supported by:

School of mathematical sciences, USTC
Wu Wen-Tsun Key Lab of Mathematics, CAS
Tianyuan Fundation

For more information about the conference, please visit
