吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之五十【Cun-Quan Zhang】


报告题目:Nowhere-zero integer flows of signed graphs (II)
报告人:Professor Cun-Quan Zhang
       West Virginia University
报告时间:5月20日 14:00-15:00

摘要: The well-known Bouchet's conjecture is that every signed graph admitting a nowhere-zero integer ow admits a nowhere-zero integer 6-flow. This conjecture remains open, although it has been extensively researched and studied, such as, Raspaud and Zhu confirmed the conjecture for 4-edge-connected graphs [JCTB 2011]. Without the requirement of edge-connectivity, Zýka proved the conjecture with 6 replaced by 30. In this talk, we will survey some of those early results under various edge-connectivity conditions, and some new results under some graph minor condition but no or less requirement of edge-connectivity. If time allows, outlines of proofs will also be presented.




