吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列讲座之七十 【惠昌常 教授】
报告人: 惠昌常 教授 (首都师范大学)
报告题目: Dominant dimensions and tilting modules
报告时间:5月19、20日, 16:00-17:00;
摘要:This is a series of lectures on dominant dimensions and tilting modules. We first recall some basic results on the subjects, and then present some new advances in this direction. The motivation for this consideration is to understand the famous Nakayama conjecture, which says that algebras of infinity dominant dimension should be quasi-Frobenius algebras, in the context of derived categories. Most of the contents of the lectures are taken from a joint paper with H. X. Chen.
报告人简介:惠昌常教授是知名代数学家,教育部长江特聘教授,主持基金委重点项目,德国洪堡基金会Bessel科研奖获得者,现为著名国际数学期刊J. Algebra以及Arch. Math.等编委。