吴文俊实验室数学物理系列报告之四十五 【凌锐】


题目:Non-Perturbative Effects in Quantum Chromodynamics and Beyond

报告人: 南京大学物理学院 凌锐博士

时间: 2015年4月8日  下午4:30―5:30

地点: 科大东区管理科研楼1418教室


The non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory are explored in which
the central ingredients are the symmetry principles, the polology of matrix
elements, and the renormalization that takes account of radiative corrections.
As a generalization of the methods first used in an understanding of the
attributes and behaviour of pions and nucleons, it is to utilize the effctive field
theory approach to study the properties of the axion, which is the corollary
of the strategy to solve the problem of parity and time-reversal violation by
non-perturbative e ects in quantum chromodynamics. In particular, with the
s as well as the u and d quarks regarded as relatively light we derive formula
for the mass of the axion; a rough estimate of the rate for its dominant decay
mode at low energy is also carried out.

