

报告题目:Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) - Towards Brain Alike Learning
and Fundamentals to Big Data Analytics

报告人:Guang-Bin Huang,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

时  间:2015年1月31日    下午2:30―4:30

地  点:东区管理科研楼   0029cc金沙贵宾会1218室

Neural networks (NN) and support vector machines (SVM) play key roles in machine learning and data analysis in the past 2-3 decades. However, it is known that these popular learning techniques face some challenging issues such as: intensive human intervene, slow learning speed, poor learning scalability. This talk will introduce a next generation of learning theory; the resultant biologically inspired learning technique referred to as Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and its wide applications. ELM not only learns up to tens of thousands faster than NN and SVMs, but also provides unified implementation for regression, binary and multi-class applications. ELM not only produces good results for sparse datasets but also is efficient for large size of applications. From both theoretical and practical points of view, NN and SVM/LS-SVM may only produce suboptimal solutions compared to ELM. Preliminary studies also show that ELM outperforms Deep Learning in both learning accuracy and learning speed (up to tens of thousands times faster).

黄广斌(Guang-Bin Huang) 是IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Neurocomputing,Cognitive Computation和Neural Networks编辑。他被Thomson Reuters 评为“Highly Cited Researcher”,以及列为“2014 The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds”之一。他也是IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2013)最佳论文获得者。

他目前的研究方向包括:大数据处理分析,脑机交互,人机交互,图像处理,机器学习理论和技术。他是新加坡南洋理工大学电子电气工程学院副教授 (tenured) 。他是德国宝马集团和南洋理工大学联合研究实验室(BMW-NTU Future Mobility Research Laboratory)人机交互,脑机交互以及汽车辅助驾驶项目负责人。他也是劳斯莱斯和南洋理工大学联合研究实验室(Royce Rolls � NTU Corporate Lab)图像分析项目负责人以及新科工程和南洋理工大学联合研究实验室(Singapore Technologies Engineering � NTU Corporate Lab)场景识别和机器学习项目负责人。他是新加坡樟宜机场新加坡航空公司地面服务公司第五货运大厦的信息跟踪控制系统升级改造的总设计师和项目技术负责人(1998-2001)。

他的一个主要学术贡献是提出一套全新的学习理论和方法:Extreme Learning Machines (ELM,超限学习机)。ELM突破了前30年流行的前馈神经网络以及近20年广泛应用的支撑向量机(SVM)的理论和技术瓶颈。和ELM相比,支撑向量机及其演伸方法只是提供次优学习方案。ELM和SVM/LS-SVM, Deep Learning(深度学习)相比,准确率高,简单易用,学习速度可以快几千到几万倍。ELM理论最近也得到了生物和脑神经学的直接生物验证,弥补了机器学习和脑学习机制之间的空白,解决了计算机之父冯•诺依曼(John von Neumann)60年前的关于人脑和计算机结构和能力的困惑。
