题 目:Strongly Diagnosable Networks
时 间:2014年10月30日(星期四) 下午 16:30-17:30
地 点:管理科研楼1518会议室
摘要:A system is t-diagnosable if all faulty nodes can be identified without replacement when the number of faults does not exceed t, where t is some positive integer. Furthermore, a system is strongly t-diagnosable if it is t-diagnosable and can achieve (t+1)-diagnosable except for the case where a node's neighbors are all faulty. In this talk, some conditions are proposed for verifying whether a class of interconnection networks is strongly diagnosable under the comparison diagnosis model. Based on the proposed results, subject to certain conditions, several well-known interconnection networks are shown to be strongly n-diagnosable, including the n-dimensional hypercube, crossed cube, Mobius cube, twisted cube, and locally twisted cube.
报告人简介: 台湾大学博士,成功大学特聘教授,制造资讯与系统研究所所长;研究方向涉及算法、图论、互连网络、多处理机系统、平行及分散系统、生物信息等领域,共发表94篇期刊和51篇会议论文,其中在IEEE Transactions 上的论文超过30篇;担任Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Information Security, Journal of Supercomputing 等10多种国际专业杂志编委;荣获IEEE Outstanding Technical Achievement Award,英国资讯学会会士,成功大学教学杰出教师,台湾李国鼎研究奖,台湾杰出研究奖,台湾杰出电机工程教授奖和杰出资讯人才奖。