吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何与分析系列讲座七十七【Prof. Graeme Wilkin】


题目:  Topology of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles

报告人:Prof. Graeme Wilkin, National University of Singapore

时间: 2014年9月25日, 周四下午16:00-17:00

地点: 管理楼1216

摘要:  I will give a survey of results on the topology of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles over a compact Riemann surface. Much progress has been made by various people in computing the cohomology of the moduli space when the degree and rank of the bundle are coprime (and hence the moduli space is smooth), however the methods used do not apply when the moduli space is singular. The focus of the talk will be on recent joint work with George Daskalopoulos and Richard Wentworth in which we have developed new results on the cohomology of the moduli space in low rank that are also valid when the moduli space is singular.

