研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班系列讲座之三十一【Zhou ZHANG】


Title: The General Kahler-Ricci Flow

Date: September 15, 2014


Speaker: Zhou ZHANG (Sydney University)

Abstract: In the past ten years or so, the study of Kahler-Ricci flow has been reformed quite essentially. By allowing the Kahler class to evolve with time, we reveal its natural relation with the Minimal Model Program in algebraic geometry as outlined in Tian’s Program. This also brings the subject a lot closer to the study of Ricci flow, and tightens the relation with pluripotential theory in several complex variables. With more tools and concepts introduced into this research field from other major branches of pure mathematics, we have got many answers with even more problems for future work. In this talk, we aim at a description of the whole story, accessible for the general audience.

