

报告题目:MR Based Medical Imaging and Applications (基于核磁共振的医学成像技术及其应用)


时  间:2014年9月26日    下午4:00―5:00

地  点:东区管理科研楼  0029cc金沙贵宾会1518室

In this talk we will discuss two medical imaging modalities based on magnetic resonance scanner: Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT) and magnetic resonance electrical property tomography (MREPT). In MREIT, we inject a sinusoidal current with angular frequency below 1 kHz through the electrode attached on the boundary of the imaging object; inside the imaging object a time harmonic magnetic flux density will be generated. Using the MR scanner, we can measure the z-th component of the magnetic flux density. The inverse problem of MREIT is to reconstruct the conductivity distribution from the given data. In MREPT, we inject a sinusoidal current at Larmor frequency (128 MHz for a 3T MRI scanner) through a coil located outside of the imaging object. Using an MRI scanner and the mapping technique we can measure the positive rotating magnetic field . The inverse problem of MREPT is to reconstruct both conductivity and permittivity from the given magnetic field data. We will propose the reconstruction algorithms. Numerical experiments, phantom and animal experiments will be presented to validate the proposed algorithms.
