2014年几何暑期学校系列课程【Xiaodong Wang】



课程名称: Topics in Geometric Analysis

授 课 人:Prof. Xiaodong Wang (Michigan State University, USA)

课时安排:7月18日-- 8月18日   每周二周四9:30-11:30 

授课教室: 管理科研楼1208

课程摘要:I will give introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces in Riemanian geometry.  We will start with the first and second variation formula of the area functional . Then we discuss minimal surfaces in Euclidean space and the sphere. Afterward we will focus on stable minimal hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds. If time permits, we will also talk about the Plateau problem, geometric applications of minimal surfaces and some other related topics.
As a prerequisite students should have some basic knowledge of Riemannian geometry.