报告题目:Deblurring low-light images and EZ-Sketching
报告人:Jue Wang, Adobe Research
时 间:2014年6月11日 下午2:00―3:30
地 点:东区管理科研楼 0029cc金沙贵宾会1218室
In this talk I will cover two recent projects that will be published this year: deblurring low-light images in CVPR and EZ-Sketching in SIGGRAPH. In the first part, I will talk about how to use light streaks, a common phenomenon in low-light images, to help deblur very challenging real-world images that cannot be solved before. In the second part, I will present a new interactive system that can help novice users sketch more accurately over an image on touch screens, by using an unique three-level optimization framework to avoid the "fat finger" problem.
Jue Wang is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Research. He received his B.E. and M.Sc. from Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, in 2007. He received Microsoft Research Fellowship and Yang Research Award from University of Washington in 2006. He joined Adobe Research in 2007 as a research scientist. His research interests include image and video processing, computational photography, computer graphics and vision. His research results have been shipped in various adobe products such as Photoshop.