吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列讲座之二十九【Alejandro Maass 教授】


吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列讲座之二十九【Alejandro Maass 教授】

报告人:Alejandro Maass 教授 (智利工程院院士)

单位:Department of Mathematical Engineering U. Chile


时间:5月28日 (星期三),下午3:00-4:00

题目: Some Results on automorphisms group of minimal Cantor systems of low complexity
(work in progress with S. Petite, F. Durand and S. Donoso)

摘要: In recent years several new works have appeared with the aim of describing “endomorphisms”
and “automorphisms” of minimal systems of low combinatorial complexity. A kind of philosophy  is to
prove that in general such systems are coalescent and the automorphisms group is simples (for example
just powers of the action). In this talk we review some of these results and present new ones with
simple proofs. We also provide several questions that remain open.
