研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座【Yang Yang】


研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座【Yang Yang】

题目:Discontinuous Galerkin method  for partial differential equations with blow-up solutions

报告人: Dr. Yang Yang
Michigan Technological University
时间: 2014年5月15日 下午 3:00-4:00

地点: 管理科研楼 1208室

We will study the behavior of nonnegative solutions for some time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs). We are especially interested in solving PDEs whose exact solutions become unbounded in finite time. This phenomenon is called blow-up. In our recent work (Numer Math, 124 (2013), 753-781), we have applied discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods to obtain good approximations for hyperbolic PDEs with δ-singularity, one special unbounded singularity. We will continue this approach and solve other types of PDEs with δ-singularities and other types of blow-up solutions. Numerical experiments will be given to demonstrate the advantages for the DG methods in approximating blow-up solutions.