国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心报告【杜 强】
报告题目:Nonlocal calculus, nonlocal balance laws and asymptotically compatible discretizations
报告人:杜 强,宾州州立大学,哥伦比亚大学,北京计算科学中心
时 间:2014年5月8日 下午2:30―4:00
地 点:东区管理科研楼 0029cc金沙贵宾会1518室
Nonlocality is ubiquitous in nature. While partial differential equations (PDE) have been used as effective models of many physical processes, nonlocal models and nonlocal balance laws are also attracting more and more attentions as possible alternatives to treat anomalous process and singular behavior. We exploit the use of a recently developed nonlocal vector calculus to study a class of constrained value problems on bounded domains associated with nonlocal balance laws. By developing nonlocal calculus of variations, wedemonstrate striking analogies between nonlocal models and classical PDE models. In addition, we present asymptotically compatible discretizations that provide convergent approximations in the nonlocal setting and in the local limit.