题目:Quaternionic Gabor transform
报告人: Prof. Paula Cerejeiras,
Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, PORTUGAL
The existent quaternion Fourier transforms are useful for the representation of signals and transforms a quaternionic 2D image into a quaternionvalued frequency domain signal with an additional advantage of preserving local geometric features of said image. However, uncertainty principles condition the retrieval of simultaneous space and frequency details. To this end, Gabor transforms, or short-time Fourier transforms, were considered as a tool which allow to recover frequency and phase information of local sections of an in-stationary signal. While most of the quaternionic transforms are one sided, the concept of hypercomplex signal as a generalization of the analytic signal introduced by Bulow requires the application of a two sided quaternionic Fourier transform. The study of such a transform requires much more care than the usual Fourier transforms due to its non-commutative nature. In this talk we discuss the properties of such a transform in the quatermionic setting, such as uncertainty principles, Balian-low theorem and frames, and Presen possible applications.