题目:Curvature integrals, curvature flows and geometric inequalities for hypersurfaces in space forms
4月1日(周二) 14:00-16:30
4月2日(周三) 9:00-11:30
4月4日(周五) 9:00-11:30
摘要: In these lectures, we first introduce several important geometric quantities for hypersurfaces in space forms from pointview of both differential geometry and integral geometry. Precisely, we study the mean curvature integrals, the Gauss-Bonnet curvature integrals, the quermassintegrals and their relations. Then we introduce the method of using geometric flows to derive geometric inequalities. We give several examples for this method and give beautiful proofs of several geometric inequalities, such as isoperimetric inequality. Last, we study carefully a quermassintegral preserving curvature flow in the hyperbolic space and prove its long time existence and convergence. We use such flow to prove new Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities for horoconvex hypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space.