吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列讲座之二十七【Prof. Tomasz Downarowicz】


题目:Slovak spaces

报告人:Prof. Tomasz Downarowicz
Institute of Mathematics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

时间:2014年3 月12日(周三)下午3: 00―4: 00

摘要:  There exists a classification of compact metric spaces according to whether they admit minimal homeomorphisms
and/or minimal noninvertible maps. Up to recently, the only known examples of type (1,0) (i.e., admitting a minimal homeomorphism, but no minimal noninvertibel maps) were unions of finitely many circles (and among connected spaces - just the circle). I will present a new example of this type.
This is joint work with Lubo Snoha and Darisz Tywoniuk.