吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列讲座之二十六 【高�】


题目:  On deterministic perturbations of summability maps

报告人:高� 博士 (新加坡国立大学数学系)



摘要:  This talk contains two topics on perturbations of non-uniformly expanding interval maps.
The first topic is to provide a strengthened version of the famous Jakobson's theorem. Consider an interval map f satisfying a summability condition. For a generic one-parameter family ft of maps with f0=f, we prove that t=0 is a Lebesgue density point of the set of parameters for which ft satisfies both the Collet-Eckmann condition and a strong polynomial recurrence condition.
The second topic is to investigate the asymptotic distribution of the critical orbits. Consider a one-parameter family with some mild conditions and let E be the set of parameters t for which ft satisfies a summability condition a transversality condition. We prove than for almost all t in E, each critical point of ft belongs to the basin of one of the ergodic acips for ft.
