报告题目:Invasive Disasters and Dynamic Sheltering Problems
报告人:Wang Tao (汪涛) Cornell University
时 间:2013年12月31日 下午4:00―5:00
地 点:东区管理科研楼 0029cc金沙贵宾会1518室
This talk is devoted to a new class of dynamic problems, originally motivated by the protection issues when a spreading disaster occurs. In the propagation model, the invaded region is described by the reachable set of differential inclusions. To protect an assigned habitat against the disaster, an artificial barrier is constructed to shield the habitat in real time, where the barrier is characterized as one-dimensional rectifiable set in mathematical terms and a dynamic strategy is determined by the barrier constructed over time. The main conclusion is that, given a convex habitat, among all barriers each consisting of a Jordan curve, there exists an admissible sheltering strategy, if and only if the construction speed is greater than that determined by the boundary curve of the habitat. After stating the main theorem, an illustrative example is carefully examined, which provides insights into the theorem.