

题  目: Spatial Asymptotic Behaviors of Kahler-Ricci Flows and Kahler-Einstein Metrics

报告人: 张州 悉尼大学

时  间: 12月16日 星期一 下午2:00 - 3:30

地  点: 管理科研楼1611会议室

摘 要: In this talk, we mainly consider the Kahler Ricci flow over a complete non-compact manifold. The spatial asymptotic behavior is a natural and important new ingredient comparing with the closed manifold case. For the finite volume case, we have approached this problem from both geometric and analytic points of view. The Kahler-Einstein case is included, illustrating some difference. We have also studied the infinite volume case in a geometric fashion more recently. Overall, the main focus is on the quasi-projective setting. This talk is based on joint works with John Lott and Frederic Rochon.

研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班简介: 本系列研讨班旨在介绍一些当前极其活跃的数学研究课题和领域,扩充大家的视野,在一定程度上填补研究生数学和研究数学之间的GAP。报告者将尽可能地介绍该课题的背景,概念,已有结果及主要问题。本系列报告的范围将涉及几何(G),代数,分析(A)以及数学物理(P)等各方面。

GAP研讨班主页: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~wangzuoq/GAP/gap13F.html

主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会
