

题  目: Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory limiters for Runge-Kutta
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
报告人: 邱建贤教授, 厦门大学0029cc金沙贵宾会
时  间:2013年12月11日 16:30
地  点:数学学院1216
In the presentation we will describe our recent work on a class of new
limiters, called WENO (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) type
limiters, for Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) methods. The
goal of designing such limiters is to obtain a robust and high order
limiting procedure to simultaneously obtain uniform high order accuracy
and sharp, non-oscillatory shock transition for the RKDG method. We
adopt the following framework: First we identify the "troubled cells",
namely those cells which might need the limiting procedure; then we
replace the solution polynomials in those troubled cells by
reconstructed polynomials using WENO methodology which maintain the
original cell averages (conservation), have the same orders of accuracy
as before, but are less oscillatory. These methods work quite well in
our numerical tests for both one and two dimensional cases, which will
be shown in the presentation.
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会研究生院