

题  目: Mirror Symmetry and Wall Crossings

报告人: 卢文轩 清华大学数学科学中心

时  间: 12月9日 星期一 下午2:00 - 3:30

地  点: 管理科研楼1611会议室

摘 要: We will give an overview of the study of wall crossings in the context of mirror symmetry. It is well known that the SYZ program and the homological mirror conjecture are both guiding our understandings of mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau spaces. If one wants to combine these two pictures then the study of wall crossings is inevitable. From the perspective of differential and algebraic geometry wall crossing is a key to the investigation of the so-called instanton corrections and counting problems. We will present examples from various related directions: Calabi-Yau spaces, Moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau spaces, Hitchin's moduli spaces, gauge theory, black hole attractors, etc.

研究生教育创新计划GAP研讨班简介: 本系列研讨班旨在介绍一些当前极其活跃的数学研究课题和领域,扩充大家的视野,在一定程度上填补研究生数学和研究数学之间的GAP。报告者将尽可能地介绍该课题的背景,概念,已有结果及主要问题。本系列报告的范围将涉及几何(G),代数,分析(A)以及数学物理(P)等各方面。

GAP研讨班主页: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~wangzuoq/GAP/gap13F.html

主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会
