题 目: On Entropy Formulas in Geometric Flows
报告人: 郭洪欣 温州大学
时 间: 11月25日 星期一 下午2:00 - 3:30
地 点: 管理科研楼1611会议室
摘 要: Starting from the classical Boltzmann-Shannon entropy, we construct entropy formula of Perelman's type for an abstract geometric flow. Monotonicity of the entropy holds when a technical assumption is satisfied. This provides a unified framework for entropy formulas in a variety geometric flows, which include the Ricci flow and static Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature. Moreover, our technique allows us to define a new entropy formula relating Hamilton's surface entropy and Perelman's W entropy for the Ricci flow, and a new entropy for the Gauss curvature flow. This is a joint work with Robert Philipowski and Anton Thalmaier.
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GAP研讨班主页: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~wangzuoq/GAP/gap13F.html
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会