吴文俊数学重点实验室组合图论系列讲座之二十七【Gregory Markowsky】


报告题目:Random walk and electric resistance on distance-regular graphs

报告人:Dr. Gregory Markowsky
   Monash University, Melbourne, Australia



报告摘要:Distance-regular graphs are a highly regular class of graphs which contain a large number of well-known graphs (such as Johnson graphs, Hamming graphs, and Moore graphs). I will discuss work done on the electric resistance metric on such graphs with coauthors Jacobus Koolen and Jongyook Park. In particular, we have been able to show that the electric resistance between any two points in a distance regular graph is bounded by 2, and in fact that for distance-regular graphs with large degree all points are nearly equidistant when measured by this metric. This can be translated into a number of different statements concerning the regularity of random walks on such graphs, as well as a number of strong bounds on the distribution of hitting times, as I will describe.

