吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何与分析系列讲座之六十 【孙崧】


报告题目:Conical Kahler-Einstein manifolds

报 告 人:孙崧  

          Imperial College,London

报告时间:2013年8月1日 星期四 下午 15:30-17:30


摘要: In this lecture we will talk about joint work with Chi Li (arXiv: 1207.5011), where we study explicit examples of Kahler-Einstein metrics with cone singularities along a divisor.  Particular examples involve such metrics on the projective plane, with cone singularities along a curve. As an application we answer a question asked by Gauntlett-Martelli-Sparks-Yau on the existence of Calabi-Yau metrics on an explicit affine variety.


主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会

