报告题目:Uniqueness of Singular Kähler Einstein metrics
报 告 人:Long Li
Stony Brook University
报告时间:2013年7月22日 星期一 下午 14:00-15:30
摘要: In 1985, Bando and Mabuchi proved the uniqueness of Kähler Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds up to an action induced by a particular holomorphic vector field. Then it's natural to ask the question: whether this uniqueness property still holds for Kähler Einstein metrics with certain singularity? One big ingredient to answer this question is the existence of geodesic between any two Kähler metrics, which is given by X.X. Chen.
Another important observation is that the Ding’s functional is convex along any bounded geodesic, which is made by Berndtsson. From here we can still generate a holomorphic vector field when the functional is affine along the geodesic, which gives us the uniqueness for only bounded KE metrics. We will discuss these results in this talk in a differential geometor's view point, and hopefully to shade some light to a different way to approach this problem.
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会