吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何与分析系列讲座之五十七 【Cristiano Spotti】
报告题目:Compactification of Moduli Spaces of Kahler-Einstein Del Pezzo Surfaces
报 告 人:Cristiano Spotti
Institut des Hautes études Scientifiques
报告时间:2013年7月26日 星期五 上午 10:00-11:30
摘要: The Moduli Spaces of Kahler-Einstein Del Pezzo surfaces admit natural metric compactifications in the so-called Gromov-Hausdorff topology. In this second part, we will show, using in particular K-stability, that these compactifications agree with some algebro-geometric compactifications obtained by adding certain "stable" Del Pezzo orbifolds. As a by-product, we obtain an extension of Tian's theorem on the existence of KE metrics on smooth Del Pezzo discussed in the first part to the case of Del Pezzo orbifolds with canonical singularities (joint work with Yuji Odaka & Song Sun).
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会