吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列讲座之五十三 【Roozbeh Hazrat 教授 】


吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列讲座之五十三 【Roozbeh Hazrat  教授 】
题目:Graph algebras (I, II, III)

报告人:Roozbeh Hazrat  教授


报告时间:2013年7月22,23, 24日, 下午16:00-17:00


摘要:From a graph (e.g., cities and flights between them) one can generate
an algebra which captures the movements along the graph.
This talk is about one type of such correspondences, i.e., Leavitt path algebras.
Despite being introduced only 8 years ago, Leavitt path algebras have arisen in a variety of different contexts as diverse as analysis, symbolic dynamics, noncommutative geometry and representation theory. In fact, Leavitt path algebras are algebraic counterpart to graph C*-algebras. There are strikingly parallel similarities between these two theories. Even more urprisingly,
one cannot (yet) obtain the results in one theory as a consequence of the other; the statements look the same, however the techniques to prove them are quite different (as the names suggest, one uses Algebra and other Analysis).
These all suggest that there might be a bridge between Algebra and Analysis yet to be uncovered.
In this talk, we introduce Leavitt path algebras and then try to understand the behaviour and to classify them by means of (graded) K-theory.

主办单位:  0029cc金沙贵宾会         
