吴文俊数学重点实验室微分动力系统系列讲座之二十三 【Xiaoqiang Zhao教授】


题目:Traveling Waves for Monotone Semiflows with Weak Compactness

报告人:Professor Xiaoqiang Zhao

报告时间:2013年6月26日(星期三), 4:00-5:00pm


摘要:In this talk, I will report our recent research on traveling waves for monotone semiflows of monostable type with weak compactness. To weaken the compactness condition imposed in previous works, we construct a compact set in the kinetic phase space and use an abstract variant of Helly's theorem. We then apply the developed theory to a partially degenerate reaction-diffusion system, a nonlocal dispersal equation with time delay, and a two species competition model with nonlocal dispersal.
This talk is based on my joint work with Jian Fang.

主办单位:  0029cc金沙贵宾会         
