报告题目:Auslander-Reiten theory in a Krull-Schmidt category
报告人:刘石平 教授 (University of Sherbrooke,加拿大)
报告时间:2013年6月18,19,21日 10:00-11:00
摘要: We introduce the notion of an Auslander-Reiten sequence in a Krull-Schmidt category. This unifies the notion of an almost split sequence in an abelian category and that of an Auslander-Reiten triangle in a triangulated category. We then define the Auslander-Reiten quiver of a Krull-Schmidt category and describe the shapes of its semi-stable components. The main result generalizes those for an artin algebra and specializes to an arbitrary triangulated categories, in particular to the derived category of bounded complexes of finitely generated modules over an artin algebra of finite global dimension.
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会 中科院吴文俊数学重点实验室