国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心报告【Prof.George Lusztig】



报告题目: Nonabelian Fourier Transform and Representation Theory

报告人:George Lusztig

报告时间:June 16     15:30---16:20

摘要:Let G be a finite group. Let M (G) be the set of pairs (x, r) up to G-conjugacy where x is an element of G and r is an    irreducible representation of the centralizer of x. There is a very interesting matrix with rows and columns indexed by M (G) called nonabelian Fourier transform matrix which plays a key role in the representation theory of groups over finite fields. In this lecture we will try to generalize this matrix to the case where G is a not necessarily finite reductive algebraic group.

主办单位:  0029cc金沙贵宾会           国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心
