吴文俊数学重点实验室 研究生短期课程【Jens Fjelstad】


课程题目:Introduction to the topological field theory formulation of rational conformal field theory

时   间: 4月24日,25日,27日,28日 16:30-18:00

地   点: 管理科研楼 1611

主讲人:Jens Fjelstad

Lecture 1:   A brief review of Conformal Field Theory. CFT on the complex plane; fields and    states,chiral symmetry, the stress tensor and the Virasoro algebra, the Heisenberg algebra;
chiral CFT and conformal blocks. CFT on the upper half plane. CFT on Riemann
surfaces; holomorphic factorization.

Lecture 2:  Chiral CFT on the complex plane and Moore-Seiberg data; fusing matrices and braiding matrices; abelian ribbon categories and modular categories.

Lecture 3:  Functorial quantum field theory; QFT as a representation of a bordism category; 2D Topological Field Theory, closed, open, open/closed; functorial 2D CFT.

Lecture 4:  Modular categories and Reshetikhin-Turaev Topological Field Theory in three dimensions.

主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会

