报告人: Prof. Bernhard, Kawohl
报告题目:On buttons and balls that cannot run away
报告时间:2013年4月22日 周一 下午15:00-16:00
摘要: This lecture presents convex sets of constant width. They are characterized by the fact that any two nonidentical tangent lines or tangent planes have the same distance from each other, but they are not necessarily discs (in the plane) or balls (in 3-space). I will show how such sets can be used to drill square holes, and that the ignorance of such sets had fatal consequences in American space flight program. I shall also report on a long-standing open conjecture and its recent development. The talk contains also some video clips and is suitable for a general audience of mathematics or engineering students.
主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会