


报告题目:Iitaka conjecture of fibrations of relative dimension 1 in characteristic p

报 告 人:张磊博士     陕西师范大学

报告时间:2013年4月16日 上午10:00-11:30


摘要:For a fibration f: X ------>Y, Iitaka conjecture states that k(X) >= k(Y) + k(F) where k(-) denotes the Kodaira dimension of a variety, F denotes a fiber. Iitaka conjecture over complex numbers has been studied a lot, and little is known in characteristic p-------the main difficulty is the lack of smooth resolutions of varieties. In this talk we will mainly prove Iitaka conjecture for fibrations of relative dimension 1 in characteristic p, and also we will introduce the development of Iitaka conjecture in char 0. The idea is from Viehweg, we will give a skech and point out how to avoid resolutions. The main tools are stablization of fibrations and comparing the ralative canonical sheaves or dualizing sheaves under base changes.

主办单位: 0029cc金沙贵宾会

